

作为一家技术服务公司,我们将人员和技术结合在一起,让一切变得更好。 为了创造对我们日常生活产生积极影响的解决方案,我们需要多元化的人才、专业知识和协作。 我们与客户一起构建我们希望看到的世界。 探索我们的职位空缺,成为相信协作、创造力和创新文化的一部分。 我们的价值观——前瞻聚焦、大胆思考、共同智慧——为我们的文化奠定了基础。 无论您是经验丰富的专业人士还是刚刚开始职业生涯,Etteplan都是您下一次冒险即将到来的地方。 您的旅程从这里开始!


工程设计—这就是我们故事的开始。 如今,服务范围涵盖机械、工厂、电气和自动化工程以及生命周期评估等各个领域。 了解我们各种各样的机会,并在这里找到您的位置!


Etteplan的软件和嵌入式专家帮助我们的跨行业客户实现从需求规范到解决方案开发和实施的数字化业务。 探索我们的空缺,并潜入各种令人兴奋的项目 - 您的冒险从这里开始!


我们的技术沟通专家致力于为各行业的企业提供服务和解决方案。 成为我们热衷于技术文档、可视化、数字解决方案等的团队的一员!


Etteplan的集团职能涵盖了在业务支持中发挥重要作用的所有职能。 我们的专业知识广泛,从多功能的日常业务支持到战略运营。 人力资源、财务、IT、营销和传播以及其他类型的业务支持角色在这里等待着您!


I’ve always wanted to work for a company that really values people, society, and the planet. I feel that I 100% can vouch for Etteplan and I am proud to work here with so many smart and amazing colleagues. Etteplan really makes the world a better place, so it is not for nothing that our motto is ‘Engineering with a difference’,

Ambjörn and Anna Schiemann, Software Engineer & HR Specialist

Being able to roam the exhibition hall as an avatar using VR was exciting and made me experience once again WHAT technical documentation is all about and how much fun it can be!

Astrid Stolberg, Project Manager

At Etteplan there is always room to learn new things and develop your skills. Our work culture is very open to new ideas, and it provides opportunities to develop yourself. If you are willing to grow, Etteplan supports you in the best possible way.

Dennis Rademaker, Technical Illustrator

If you are interested in developing professionally and if you like challenges; it is very inspiring to work as a consultant at Etteplan. Here you have the opportunity to get the support you want to fulfill your career goals.

Gunnar Prieditis, Sales & Project Manager