Automatisering i softwaretest og UX -design til Talotohtori
Enermix Oy med base i Tampere, Finland, tilbyder en hardware-uafhængig systemløsning kaldet Talotohtori 2.0, en digital platform, som du nemt kan forbinde til bygningsautomatiseringssystemer og IoT-sensorer og herigennem levere en lang række services ved hjælp af en enkelt brugeroplevelse. Talotohtori muliggør kontrol og overvågning af lejligheder, erhvervs- og industribygninger via en browserbaseret brugergrænseflade. Services designet til Talotohtori omfatter indendørs luftkvalitetsservices, fjernovervågning, smarte opvarmningstjenester og overvågning af energiforbrug.
Test automation and DevOps to reach a high-quality service
Enermix’s and Etteplan’s journey started from software test automation and DevOps. The cooperation has grown from small consulting projects to a larger and stable development project which includes several services. In more detail, Etteplan has delivered SW test automation and DevOps, UX and UI design for Enermix.
From the start, Etteplan was able to leverage its expertise in order to help with SW test automation and DevOps as part of Enermix’s design process. This included development of a SW test automation demo and consulting in many SW test automation practices. Additionally, Etteplan supported Enermix in developing their own DevOps environment, which helps seamlessly combine SW development and quality assurance. The overall goal has been to guarantee and improve Talotohtori service quality.
Etteplan continues to support with further development in a constantly growing testing and DevOps scope. Moreover, Etteplan has been able to help Enermix in challenges outside of the project scope, such as service design.
Towards a better user experience
Etteplan has also become Enermix’s partner in UX design. The cooperation aims to improve and maintain a good user experience for Enermix’s services. This has included a broad range of consultation work, improving existing features and the general look and feel, as well as creating all new features for the browser-based control platform. In essence, the work has gone towards making the platform more user-friendly.
More recently, Enermix has been developing a mobile application intended for inhabitants, that uses the data from the control platform. The application provides means for users to make more conscious decisions regarding day-to-day life with the help of readily available data about water or electricity consumption and living conditions. The development has been done in a close cooperation with users. Again, Etteplan was able to support the development process. Etteplan’s specialists lead and supported the DevOps/Testing and design teams. Our UX professionals also created the visual design for the mobile application.
Customer value realized
Etteplan’s support has been multifaceted. By being flexible and available at a short notice, Etteplan has delivered services in and outside of the project scope. Enermix has been able to get a wide range of services from the same supplier. This has made it easier for Enermix to focus on its core business. Most importantly, this has blossomed into a long-term partnership which is still ongoing.
To sum up, the values that have been realized for Enermix include a better user experience for the browser-based UI, design of a new mobile application, high quality service enabled by SW test automation and DevOps, and a comprehensive long-term development of the service.
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