Stock exchange release – Published: 05.05.2004 8:00:05
INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 31 MARCH 2004 ETTEPLANS TURNOVER UP BY 18 %; OPERATING PROFIT 6,0 % OF TURNOVER - Consolidated turnover: EUR 14,3 million (12,1 million) - Operating profit: EUR 0,9 million (1,0 million) - Earnings per share: EUR 0,09 (0,12) - Personnel: 926 employees (825) (Figures in brackets are those for the same period in 2003 unless otherwise stated.) The Etteplan Groups turnover increased during January - March in consequence of improved market situation. Operating profit per cent of turnover improved considerably compared to both previous quarter and the entire fiscal year 2003 as a result of both higher work-load and improved efficiency of internal functions. Profitability has improved in all major market areas, but especially in international operations. Turnover and result Etteplans turnover grew to EUR 14,3 million (12,1 million), due to clearly improved demand situation. Operating profit was EUR 0,9 million (1,0 million), or 6,0 % of turnover (8,2 %). The amount of work in progress increased compared to the equivalent period in 2003, which in its part decreases the reported operating profit. Profit for the financial period before extraordinary items and taxes was EUR 0,9 million (1,0 million). Net profit was EUR 0,4 million (0,5 million). Earnings per share were EUR 0,09 (0,12). Equity per share decreased by 12,3 % and was EUR 2,43 (2,77). Return on investment improved clearly compared to previous year, being 24 %. It was, however slightly poorer than in the comparison period (26,8 %). Business Operations Etteplan acts as a partner of large and medium-sized internationally operating industrial companies, carrying out entire design projects or continuous product development and equipment design. The Groups design services consist of 1) machine technology and mechatronics design, 2) automation and electrical design as well as 3) electronics and software design. The customers are equipment manufacturers and end-users in the wood-processing industry as well as processing, automotive, lifting and hoisting and electronics industry. Major events in the first quarter The market situation has improved especially in wood processing industry as well as in materials handling equipment-manufacturing industry. During the report period the company has received new significant assignments. Among others can be mentioned designing of 28 steel lift shafts to MacGREGOR (FIN) Oy as well as several design assignments of paper machine sections to Metso Paper Oy. In March, Etteplan Oyj held its Annual General Meeting, at which the Board of Directors was authorized: - to decide within one year from the Annual General Meeting on the floating of one or more issues of convertible bonds and/or the granting of stock options and/or to decide on increasing the share capital by offering in one or more instalments a maximum of 854,921 shares with an accounting counter value of EUR 0.10 at a price determined by the Board of Directors and otherwise on the terms and conditions decided by the Board of Directors. - to decide on buying back the companys own shares (treasury shares) in one or more instalments such that the company can buy back a maximum of 213,730 of the companys shares with an accounting counter value of EUR 0.10 using distributable funds in disproportion to shareholders existing shareholdings. - to decide, on the basis of the authorization passed as a resolution, on the transfer of the companys treasury shares in one or more instalments. The authorization granted to the Board of Directors comprises the right to transfer a maximum of 213,730 shares with an accounting counter value of EUR 0.10 such that the aggregate accounting counter value of the shares to be transferred and the votes conferred by them is a maximum of five (5) per cent of the companys share capital and the total voting rights conferred by the shares. Personnel The operations and number of personnel of the Etteplan Group have grown steadily. During the report period the Group employed an average of 926 persons (825) and at the end of the period the payroll numbered 942 employees (823). Increases in the number of staff were due to transferred business activities and were nearly entirely directed to the carrying out of customer projects. The Groups personnel at units abroad numbered 222 employees. Capital expenditures and financing The Groups total capital expenditures increased by 17,2 % compared with the same period a year earlier and totalled EUR 0.5 million (0,4 million). The investments went for the purchase of computer software and hardware as well as for the development of information networks. Etteplans financial position remained strong. Total assets at 31 March 2004 stood at EUR 27.2 million (25.2 million), of which cash and cash equivalents as well as securities held as financial fixed assets totalled EUR 7.1 million (5.5 million). The Groups interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the period totalled EUR 0.9 million (1.0 million). As a result of the book entry of dividend resolution made in the Annual General Meeting the equity ratio decreased to 46.2 % (55.2 %). Good liquidity was maintained throughout the report period and operating cash flow was EUR 1.3 million. Share capital and treasury shares At 31 March 2004 the company held 100 treasury shares, corresponding to 0.0 % of the entire shares outstanding. The consideration paid for the shares amounted to EUR 481.00. During the report period the company has not bought back its shares. The companys treasury shares do not have an effect on the proportional distribution of shareholdings. Major events after the report period The company signed in April a Letter of Intent according to which 19 designers from Metso Paper Como S.p.A will be transferred to the service of Di&Esse Etteplan Srl, an associated company of Etteplan. At the same time the companies agreed on partnership based co- operation. The business trade means on annual level approximately two per cent volume increase to the Group. Also in April Etteplan and MacGREGOR (FIN) Oy signed a general agreement concerning delivery of design services for lift shafts in ships. The first assignment is to design utilizing the MacGREGOR plug-in technology 28 steel lift shafts to Ultra Voyanger cruiser, which is under construction in Turku, Finland. Near-term outlook Demand for capital goods is expected to slightly increase in companys main marketing area in North and Central Europe in all industrial sectors also during the current quarter. Companys main objective is continuation of profitable growth. The growth is achieved organically when customers transfer their design activities to Etteplan and by acquisitions. The company works persistently and systematically to ensure the realization of growth objectives. Hollola, 5 May 2004 Etteplan Oyj Board of Directors For additional information, contact: CEO Heikki Hornborg, tel. +358 3 872 9011, GSM +358 400 873 063. The figures are unaudited. DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Exchanges Principal media CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (EUR 1000) 1.1.-31.3.04 1.1.-31.3.03 1.1.-31.12.03 TURNOVER 14 259 12 132 50 662 Variation in work in progress 253 -34 110 Other operating income 8 7 134 Materials and services -264 -77 -1 087 Staff expenses -10 771 -8 707 -38 312 Depreciation and amortisation according to plan -491 -383 -1 791 Other operating expenses -2 138 -1 910 -7 193 Share of losses from participating interests 0 -34 -128 OPERATING PROFIT 856 992 2 395 " % 6,0 8,2 4,7 Financial income and expenses -2 -12 49 PROFIT BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS 854 981 2 444 Extraordinary items 0 0 0 PROFIT BEFORE APPROPRIATIONS AND TAXES 854 981 2 444 Income taxes -331 -337 -1 054 Change in deferred tax liability 1 0 -11 Minority interest -146 -113 -416 NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 378 531 964 " % 2,6 4,4 1,9 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (EUR 1000) 1.1.-31.3.04 1.1.-31.3.03 1.1.-31.12.03 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets 4 140 2 315 4 308 Tangible assets 3 297 3 143 3 361 Own shares 0 139 0 Other investments 415 2 352 443 NON-CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL 7 852 7 949 8 112 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 1 095 469 843 Current receivables 11 189 11 278 10 518 Marketable securities 0 1 332 796 Cash and cash equivalent 7 068 4 179 5 810 CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL 19 352 17 258 17 968 ASSETS, TOTAL 27 204 25 207 26 080 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Share capital 427 427 427 Share premium account 5 058 5 058 5 058 Reserve for own shares 0 139 0 Retained earnings 4 520 5 768 5 923 Net profit for the period 378 531 964 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY, TOTAL 10 383 11 924 12 372 MINORITY INTERESTS 1 879 1 844 2 194 LIABILITIES Deferred tax liabilities 197 187 198 Long-term liabilities 734 794 1 065 Current liabilities 14 010 10 458 10 249 LIABILITIES, TOTAL 14 941 11 439 11 513 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL 27 204 25 207 26 080 KEY FIGURES FOR ETTEPLAN GROUP (EUR 1000) Changes 1.1.-31.3.04 1.1.-31.3.03 1.1.-31.12.03 for prev. year Turnover 14 259 12 132 50 662 17,5 % Operating profit 856 992 2 395 -13,8 % % of turnover 6,0 8,2 4,7 Profit before extra- ordinary items 854 981 2 444 -13,0 % Net profit for the period 378 531 964 -28,9 % Return on investment, % 24,0 26,8 16,1 Return on equity, % 15,6 18,5 9,6 Equity ratio % 46,2 55,2 57,2 Gross interest-bearing loans 888 976 1 197 -9,0 % Dept-equity ratio, % -50,4 -33,3 -37,1 Total balance 27 204 25 207 26 080 7,9 % Gross investments 483 412 2 772 17,2 % Earnings per share 0,09 0,12 0,23 -25,0 % Equity per share 2,43 2,77 2,89 -12,3 % Personnel at the end of the period 942 823 936 14,5 % Personnel, average 926 825 876 12,2 % CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR 1000) 1.1.-31.3.04 1.1.-31.3.03 1.1.-31.12.03 OPERATING CASH FLOW Cash receipts from customers 13 737 8 935 48 063 Other operating income 8 7 109 Operating expenses paid 12 158 10 078 44 117 OPERATING CASH FLOW BEFORE FINANCIAL ITEMS AND TAXES 1 587 -1 137 4 055 Interest and payment paid for financial expenses 13 26 59 Interest received 10 15 98 Dividend received 0 0 11 Income taxes paid 331 337 1 054 OPERATING CASH FLOW (A) 1 254 -1 485 3 051 INVESTMENT CASH FLOW Investment in tangible and intangible assets 483 412 2 759 Sales of tangible and intangible assets 0 0 203 Investments to other investments 0 5 13 INVESTMENT CASH FLOW (B) -483 -417 -2 569 FINANCING CASH FLOW Short-term loans, increase 0 255 0 Short-term loans, decrease 0 0 78 Long-term loans, increase 0 0 269 Long-term loans, decrease 309 2 0 Dividends paid and other profit distribution 0 0 1 227 FINANCING CASH FLOW (C) -309 -253 -1 035 VARIATION IN WORKING CAPITAL (A + B + C) INCREASE (+)/ DECREASE (-) 462 -1 649 -553 ASSETS IN THE BEGINNING OF THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 6 606 7 160 7 160 ASSETS AT THE END OF THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 7 068 5 511 6 606