Annual General Meeting
The shareholders exercise their decision-making power at the General Meeting which is the highest decision-making body in the Company. Each Company share entitles the holder to one vote at a General Meeting. The Company must hold one Annual General Meeting for shareholders annually, by the end of June. An Extra Ordinary General Meeting will be held, if the Board of Directors deems it necessary or if it is requested in writing by a Company auditor or shareholders holding a minimum of 10 percent of the Company's shares, for the purpose of discussing a specific issue. A shareholder may exercise his/her right to speak, ask questions and vote at the General Meeting. The matters to be considered at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are specified in section 8 of Etteplan’s Articles of Association and in Chapter 5, Section 3 of the Companies Act.
Resolutions of the General Meeting are published without delay after the meeting by a stock exchange release and on the Company’s website.
Information on general meetings to shareholders
The Board shall convene the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting with a summons to be published on the Company’s website. The summons must list the agenda for the meeting. The Board may also decide to publish the invitation to the General Meeting in one Finnish national newspaper, determined by the Board. The summons to a meeting and the Board’s proposals for the meeting are also published as a stock exchange release.
The notice of the General Meeting includes a proposal for the agenda of the meeting. The notice of the General Meeting, documents to be submitted to the General Meeting, and draft resolutions to the General Meeting will be available on the Company’s website at the earliest two months and at the latest three weeks before the General Meeting.
The minutes of the General Meeting shall be posted on the Company’s website within two weeks of the General Meeting. The documents related to the General Meeting shall be available on the Company’s website at least for five years after the General Meeting.
Organization of the general meeting
According to the Company’s Articles of Association the General Meeting shall be held in the Company's domicile or in Vantaa or Helsinki as decided by the Board of Directors of the Company.
To be able to participate in General Meeting, a shareholder must be registered on the record date of the General Meeting in Etteplan Oyj's shareholder register, maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd. A nominee registered shareholder who intends to take part in General Meeting is advised to request the necessary instructions regarding entry in the Company’s shareholder register and the issuing of proxy documents from their account holder. A notification by a holder of nominee registered shares for temporary inclusion in the Company’s shareholders’ register is perceived as prior notice of participation in the General Meeting.
Shareholders must register for a General Meeting in advance, within the time prescribed in the summons. A shareholder may participate in a General Meeting personally or through a duly authorized proxy. The proxy must present a power of attorney form for such authorization. Upon registration for a General Meeting, the shareholder must report to the Company any powers of attorney issued. The shareholder and proxy may have an assistant present at the meeting.
A shareholder present at the Annual General Meeting has the right to request information on matters to be considered at the meeting. A shareholder also has the right to propose items for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting, as stipulated in the Finnish Companies Act, when the shareholder delivers a written proposal to the Board of Directors so well in advance that the item can be included in the notice to the meeting. The deadline set by the Company for such proposals is January 31, 2025.
Attendance of the board of directors, managing director and auditor at the general meeting
The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board and its Committees as well as the CEO shall attend the General Meeting. In addition, the Auditor shall be present at the Annual General Meeting.
Attendance of a prospective director at a general meeting
A person proposed for the first time as Director shall participate in the General Meeting that decides on his or her election, unless there are well-founded reasons for absence.