Etteplan developing a control system for Chalmers’ biogas reactor
Press release – Published: 30.01.2013 14:00:00
Etteplan, specialists in industrial equipment engineering and technical product information solutions, has been commissioned by the department of Energy and Environment of Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, to design a new control system for Chalmers’ innovative biogas reactor.
Chalmers University is conducting research concerning the conversion of biomass into a biogas mixture and is developing a promising technique for catalytic gas cleaning of the tars produced in the gasification step. Current research has been focusing on the tar cleaning process to overcome challenges hindering commercial deployment of the technology.
Etteplan has helped Chalmers University replace the current control system of the reactor with new software and implement control functions to better regulate pressure fluctuations in the reactor. Such a control system has a significant role in maintaining different pressures in the two reactors, a key issue to avoid occurrence of tars in inappropriate sections of the reactor setup.
Etteplan’s solution for Chalmers utilizes Etteplan’s extensive expertise in advanced climate technologies. The company’s engineering unit in Gothenburg is specialized in developing and testing climate technologies and control systems for applications that meet the highest requirements for product safety and performance under most severe conditions.
“We chose Etteplan as a supplier of the new control system, because of their insight and ability to come up with solutions that fitted to our needs. Etteplan’s contribution to improve the process stability in our tar cracking reactor is expected to facilitate the operation of the reactor considerably”, says Nicolas Berguerand, Ph.D, Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology.
For additional information, please contact:
Yanick Meunier
Director South & West, Sweden
Tel. +46 708-814 855
Outi-Maria Liedes
SVP, Communications & Operational Development
Tel. +358 40 756 9620
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Etteplan on suomalainen pörssiyhtiö, jonka palveluksessa on yhteensä noin 1800 asiantuntijaa Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Hollannissa ja Kiinassa. Vuonna 2011 Etteplanin liikevaihto oli 119, 4 miljoonaa euroa. Etteplan on listattu NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy:ssä tunnuksella ETT1V.