Etteplan Code of Conduct
We want our employees and partners to be proud to work for us and aim to foster a sense of well-being for all stakeholders, rooted in our values. Our Code of Conduct document serves to transparently articulate and convey our shared ethical values and business principles to every employee, stakeholder, and partner.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Etteplan Supplier Code of Conduct is a legally binding document that outlines our commitment to the highest ethical standards and compliance with international and national laws. This code requires our suppliers to familiarize themselves with and adhere to it. Our goal is to ensure good faith, high product and service quality, fair pricing, and excellent after-sales service in all agreements. We treat all stakeholders, including suppliers, with the same respect and mindset as we approach our customers.
Supplier Policy
Our Supplier Policy outlines our commitment to building a smarter, more efficient, and sustainable world through diverse expertise and collaboration. We emphasize the importance of high-quality, timely, and cost-effective supply chain management. Our suppliers are integral to our mission, and we expect them to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, ensuring sustainability, quality, and continuous improvement in their performance.
Etteplan Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy
Etteplan Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy defines our commitment and requirements towards socially and environmentally responsible operations in regard to conflict minerals. As a part of our corporate responsibility, we are committed to complying with all applicable laws, including laws and regulations related to so-called conflict minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt.