Compliance & Regulations
Compliance & Regulations
A tireless diagnostician with great accuracy – machine learning stirs up the healthcare industry
The combination of machine vision and machine learning offers great opportunities for healthcare. Utilizing data-driven technology requires new skills and understanding of data.
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MedTech devices and connectivity – exciting opportunities, tightening regulations
The requirements placed on MedTech products with connectivity are increasing. This is due to regulations such as the European Union’s Medical Device Regulation (MDR), the new Data Act, and stricter cyber security requirements in health care.
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Zarządzanie testami sprzętowymi – klucz do opłacalnej jakości
Czy testowanie produktu spędza Ci sen z powiek? Ekspert w tej dziedzinie może Ci pomóc! Przekształcenie innowacji, jako pomysłu, w rzeczywisty produkt lub urządzenie jest ekscytujące, ale wiąże się również z dużą ilością pracy. Budowanie pierwszego prototypu, uruchamianie linii produkcyjnych, opracowanie najlepszego planu wprowadzenia na rynek… i testowanie. Ten ostatni często jest zapominany, co niesie ze sobą wiele konsekwencji. Aby zadbać o przeprowadzenie odpowiednich testów, warto skorzystać z pomocy mengera testów. To pomoże skrócić drogę wdrożenia produktu na rynek.
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How to achieve security in connected devices – visualizing the path
The security of your connected devices has never been more important. With the advancement of technology there is an increase in benefits and added value, and overall positive impacts. Because your device is connected it becomes more easily accessible to yourself, it also becomes more easily accessible to others. This means that hackers (malicious third parties, criminals) and other government agencies (military, critical infrastructure attacks) can also access your data more easily. That is why EU and USA are regulating the cyber security of devices, software and digital services.
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Lengthen the life cycle of your connected device
There are many examples of devices having a shortened life cycle due to a power consumption issue, which leads to the battery of the device behaving unexpectedly. The frustration of users and claims of liability are a bad look and can cause damage to a company’s reputation. Fortunately, there is an answer for this problem many device manufacturers are facing: including automated power consumption measurements to your continuous integration of the software development cycle.
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End-to-end testing for a modern IoT device
Etteplan’s internal research project for a centimeter-level navigation and positioning device offers a real-world example for planning your next IoT testing project. For IoT projects, we provide comprehensive HW, SW and compliance testing services – a one-stop-shop for all your testing needs.
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Test first, test last – and in between
Improve product quality with testing throughout the product development process. Especially end-to-end testing of embedded devices pays off. What should your future product be able to do? What should its features be like? What is required of it?
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A smooth market entry with early phase testing
The earlier and more comprehensively a product is tested, the quicker it can be launched to the market. By planning testing and compliance, manufacturers can ensure rapid market access. Quick detection also maximizes operational capability. All this requires steps towards total quality control of product lifecycle.
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Only a small number of MedTech devices make it to the market – how to turn your invention into an actual health-promoting product
There is an urgent demand for new MedTech devices that help meet the ageing population’s needs. Still, according to MedTech experts at Etteplan, it is estimated that only a handful of the MedTech ideas ever make it and become actual products.
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