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The carbon footprint calculations support the carbon neutrality target under the Stormossen’s strategy

Waste management company Stormossen is owned by six municipalities in Ostrobothnia to manage the waste from the owner municipalities. The owner municipalities are Vaasa, Korsholm, Isokyrö, Korsnäs, Malax and Vörå. In these six municipalities live approx. 105,000 inhabitants. The centre of the business consists of the waste treatment plant in Koivulahti (Kvevlax) in the municipality of Mustasaari (Korsholm). Stormossen’s first refuelling Station for vehicle biogas was opened in February 2017.

The carbon footprint of biomethane produced from various wastes and used as a transport fuel was calculated for Stormossen, as well as the carbon footprint of the organization for the year 2021. The studies were performed to support Stormossen’s goal to be a carbon neutral company by 2030. Etteplan’s LCA team was chosen to carry out the studies due to its references and comprehensive expertise in the field of LCA and waste management. 

The biomethane produced by Stormossen achieves the emission reduction target

The biomethane produced by Stormossen achieves the emission reduction target set in the RED II compared to fossil reference value. EU directive RED II* was used as the basis for calculating the carbon footprint of biomethane produced at the Stormossen’s biogas plant. The goal of RED II is to reduce emissions by using biofuel, and the fullfilment of this criteria was evaluated by comparing the carbon footprint of biomethane with the fossil reference value. The general life cycle assessment standards ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 were also followed in the calculation. The carbon footprint was calculated for the entire life cycle of the biofuel, i.e. from cradle to grave, starting from the procurement of waste raw material (transportation) and ending to utilization of biofuel. 

The results of the calculation showed that compared to the fossil reference value, biomethane produced at the Stormossen’s biogas plant achieves a 64 % emission reduction, which reaches the emission reduction target set in the RED II. 

Organizational level carbon footprint calculation was updated with 2021 data

Etteplan’s LCA team had previously calculated Stormossen’s carbon footprint for the year 2020 and now the calculation needed to be updated for 2021. The greenhouse gas emissions caused by Stormossen’s own operations and the most significant purchased services were taken into account in the calculation. In addition to caused emissions, the emission credits were also taken into account, i.e. benefits from utilization of wastes or their derivatives (e.g. biogas from digestion plant).  

Emissions and emission credits caused by own operations were calculated for logistics, landfills, water treatment plants, biological treatment, utilization stations and other operations not belonging into above-mentioned categories. For purchased services, emissions and emission credits caused by waste treatment logistics, contracting services and waste incineration were taken into account in the calculation.  

The results of the calculation showed that in 2021 the emissions from both own operations and purchased services were lower than in 2020. 

The carbon footprint calculations of biomethane and organization gave Stormossen important information about factors having the biggest impact on emissions and help in the communication with stakeholders. In addition, Stormossen was given proposals for actions to further reduce the emissions. 

*Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. 

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Joni Kemppi

Project Manager

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