Hardware Services
Embedded Software Development
Etteplan contributes to optimizing MLD’s advanced trawl doors
MLD Trawl Steering System is a leader in the fishing industry with advanced robotic technology for trawlers − a position that requires continuous work on innovation, optimization, and further development of the company’s technologies. For several years, Etteplan Denmark has been a partner in developing and testing advanced software and hardware for MLD.
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VTT and Etteplan Partnership Paves the Way for Finnish MedTech Innovation
VTT is one of Europe’s leading science and technology organization. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.
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Balancing the energy grid with Fortum Spring
Fortum is a European energy company with activities in more than 40 countries. Fortum provides their customers with electricity, gas, heating and cooling as well as smart solutions to improve resource efficiency. Fortum wants to engage their customers and society to join the change for a cleaner world. Fortum is the third largest producer of CO2-free electricity in Europe. With approximately 19,000 professionals and a combined balance sheet of approximately EUR 69 billion, Fortum has the scale, competence and resources to grow and to drive the energy transition forward.
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Development of precise positioning accelerates Kalmar’s research project
Kalmar offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centers, and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy-efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network, and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move.
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Creating a digital era dental robot
Rayo 3DToothfill aims to improve the lives of billions of people with affordable, high-quality dental health. Their solution provides the best results with comparable costs for the dentist and for the patients. To ensure their solution is usable in different surroundings, it is simple and easy-to use. This is why they take seamless integration with existing equipment seriously.
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The story continues – Futureproofing Yepzon’s location tracker with cutting edge radiotechnology
Yepzon is a Finnish Company with a strong history of providing positioning services to consumers. Now Yepzon provides a market leading service to both B2B and B2C sector locating and monitoring anything globally. The Yepzon™ App is a leading platform that serves any locating need and, on top of that, provides a wide range of data about the device’s environment. Consumers, industry players, and other companies in the sector who license the platform use it to create their own new product innovations and solutions.
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Developing a range extender device for Pexraytech
Pexraytech is a Otaniemi, Finland based high-tech company that develops and manufactures cutting-edge portable X-Ray imaging systems. Pexraytech makes use of the extensive X-Ray engineering expertise that Finland has, providing innovative and intuitive solutions for two focus areas: Security market and Industrial NDT (Non Destructive Testing). They also offer advanced customized systems to users who need special X-Ray solutions for other applications
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