Digitalization & New Technologies
Digitalization & New Technologies
Three Benefits of Improved Visibility in Industrial Assets, Fleets and Processes
Assets, fleets and process integration provides far-reaching advantages. For instance, employees get a better situational awareness with modern HMIs, integrated fleet portals for industrial vehicles improve production flows, and globally uniform processes become possible.
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Why is poor visibility a major problem for industries?
Industrial companies around the world look for solutions to optimize business performance, increase productivity, and improve the user experience. But everywhere, there is a huge obstacle: heterogeneous equipment. Why is that a problem, and how to overcome it?
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The Value of Benchmarking – Performance of Python and WebSocket in Electric Car Charging Systems
Optimal application performance is an important aspect in the daily work of Etteplan’s developers. Sometimes, aiming at perfection becomes a real exploration of programming languages, their libraries, communications, and protocols. One such instance has occurred for Solutions Architect Ville Kärkkäinen and his team who are developing a solution for electric car charging stations.
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World of digital twins and programmable logic controllers
As the world is getting increasingly complex with products controlled by a variety of software implementations, testing methods need to keep pace.
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AUTOSAR – complexity made simpler
Etteplan uses AUTOSAR to help customers bring sense and order to automotive systems which are constantly increasing in complexity.
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How much does strong authentication cost you in sales? There is an easy fix.
Consumers have a strong preference for app and mobile shopping. This year, new regulation led to an increase in cart abandonment in the payment phase. Delegated authentication can help you to fix the customer experience and regain lost sales.
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In it for the long haul – nuclear waste management requires precision and patience
According to research, a student’s attention span when attending a lecture is around 10 to 15 minutes before concentration starts to wane. In our increasingly impatient reality, some even say that peoples’ attention cannot hold more than eight seconds. The world of nuclear waste management stands in strong contrast with these views. Here, the perspective is in hundreds of thousands, even millions, of years. The waste must be kept secure so that it will not contaminate the environment while it is still radioactive. And this will take a long time.
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From paper to bits – the imperative of digitalization
When a machine has to be repaired, installed, or operated, professionals need technical information. But in many cases, it takes too much time and effort to find the right content for getting things done. In addition, the content is far from user-friendly. People feel frustrated, and companies suffer from low productivity. How can digital online content provide great relief?
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Flutter – an introduction to Google’s cross-platform programming framework
Written by Janne Mankinen Ever since it was released, Google’s Flutter has been one of the most hyped cross-platform software development kits for developing mobile apps. It challenges Facebook’s React Native in almost all areas. Despite being a relative newcomer, Flutter has confirmed its place as a potential programming framework in a modern mobile development toolkit. The original version of Flutter was released in May 2017. I have an extensive background in programming, and I specialize in mobile app development, so testing out Flutter has been on my mind for a while now. I decided to approach Flutter through state management, as this is one of the most important areas of developing more complex applications, and it gives an idea of the tool’s diversity.
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